Heal trough color and light with chromotherapy
Colortherapy or Chromotherapy is a vibrational healing therapy that use the energy of the color for balance emotions, distress the mind, relax or energize the body. Color is light and light is life! Our biggest healer is the sun, without the sunlight life could not exist in our planet. Like a grey day effect our moods, health, way of thinking and level of energy, so colors do. Some color literally bring happiness to us, some other calm and relax our eyes and mind, some other give us a feeling of warm and protection. Just think when you do shopping and your instinct drive you in the direction of the color you want to wear. The color you more wear speak a lot about you. There is always a connection with you and the colors that you for your house, your clothes. Think which way colors in your life make you feel.
Colors are visible light energy that enter in our body through the eyes. Colors stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands, and the consequence are the production of hormones. This explain the psychological process and the direct influence that colors have in your moods, behavior, thoughts.
- RED: red is the color of life force, sexuality, power, temper. It s incredibly energetic, warm us like the fire, and is a powerful source of strength.
- ORANGE: orange bring in our life a sense of joy, optimism, creativity. It revitalize the physical body.
- YELLOW: yellow is the color that improve the mental activity, intellectual power and ability. It s one of the first color related to the awakening. It also help in case of melancholy.
- GREEN: the color of balance, green bring us profound mental and physical calm. It s also the color of fertility, youth and rapresent new life.
- BLUE: the color of the ocean, and the sky, is the color of Peace, faith and aspiration. Is the color of meditation, spiritual expansion. Bring in our live a sense of devotion, and sincerity.
- INDIGO: the color of purification, used during meditation help us to reach deep level of alterate consciousness and increase our intuitions.
- VIOLET: the color of transmutation and spiritual practice, violet stimulate the dream activity and help to balance material and spiritual aspect in our life. It also control anger by promoting a sense of humility.
- MAGENTA: magenta is the last color of the spectrum, deeply connected with spirituality and meditation is also the color that help us let go the past.