What a journey we have had over the last month. We started the last full moon with a lunar eclipse, and we finish the end of a cycle with the last lunar eclipse in Capricorn on Sunday 5th of July. For those lucky enough to be in the northern hemisphere and especially in the United States, the eclipse will be in alignment with 4th of July celebrations, so instead of fireworks in your outer reality, mark this as an occasion of celebrating yourself. This is the end of a two-year journey that has been urging us to start taking responsibility for our life and claiming back our own authority.
Eclipses always give us a dynamic surge of energy and when in the sign of Capricorn, it asks us to look at our commitment and dedication to work, to self and to our family.
So, the question to contemplate during this full moon is:
What are you dedicating your energy to, and is it serving you?
Capricorn, being an earth sign about structures, systems and control, represents the wise leader, but you can only become this when you start living a life of integrity.
This two-year period of working with this energy has been a time of dismantling old structures and when we start to do this, we need to start looking at the beliefs that created those structures in the first place. This full moon and eclipse are here to enable us to start seeing our beliefs so we can get up close and personal with them.
Beliefs are a set of rules you have for yourself that govern not only how you operate but what you are actually attracting. Everything that you believe has been accumulated over the course of your life. From your birth you started to understand life through experience. As you developed you started to categorize the experience into ‘’good or bad”.
It is this categorization that started to grow a foundation of ethics for yourself.
But what if some of these beliefs are not true? What if they are not serving you?
This full moon is here to shine a spotlight on the beliefs that have been driving you through life and the energy of this eclipse is liberating us to breakthrough and change them.
A way to understand and see what your beliefs are is by acknowledging the emotions. Whenever we are triggered, it is because our beliefs are being challenged, and our beliefs are communicated to us through the emotions.
So, if we ignore the emotions we will never find the solutions to our problems.
Awareness comes from being still, from having the courage to go into the pain even though it might scare you. Know if you do this you will be dismantling life-long patterns that have been stopping you from being your true self. We are all being asked right now to upgrade our belief system to one of unity verses separation.
We are moving into a time of nurturing, co-operation and caring for others, we are breaking through control and moving into flow.
If you take the time to go outside during this full moon you will notice 2 very bright stars. These are the planets of Jupiter and Saturn.
Saturn energy can heighten your fears and anxieties by trying to show you how you experience our own integrity. It wants you to look within and recognise your own value system so you can start living a life as your true self.
With Saturn’s energy we can see what triggers us the most, so use these energy to your advantage to help you dismantle old patterns of behaviour and help you to step back into a place of integrity.
Jupiter’s energy is all about growth and expansion. It is the light when all others go out and it shows you the way to your prosperity & purpose. So, it makes perfect sense why we would have these planets with their energy around us now as they are helping us to move into a state of abundance verses restriction. But we have to do the inner work to get there.
There is a huge shift happening right now on the planet, the energies around us are empowering us to become seekers. To look within, reclaim and build stronger foundations.
Capricorn is deeply connected to the earth so spend lots of time in nature, take solitude, embrace stillness and allow your higher self to show you the way.
Take nature as an example, everything flows in perfect order.
Think of the emotions like the river. The river bends and moulds itself with its environment. It goes with the flow, never against it. This is the rule with the emotions, don’t fight against them, doing this is like trying to paddle upstream causing you to never get to the destination.
So just allow the energy to flow through you, be responsive and open and once you move into the reaction, it quickly passes.
Sometimes Capricorn has a tendency to take life too seriously, so have fun with this process.
Allow yourself to move through them and become creative. Having no attachment to the outcome, just having the courage to be open to the experience.
So as Full moons are always about releasing what no longer serves us, for this Capricorn full moon ask yourself these questions;
What am I dedicating my energy to, and is it serving me?
Am I closed to receiving?
Am I living in alignment to my own integrity?
When do I get triggered?
What areas in my life am I trying to control? And how can I move more into flow?
Wait for the answers to come, notice the emotions that come up when you ask them and breathe into them. Don’t judge, have no attachment, just breathe and after you confront them, you take back your authority and start to rebuild new foundations that serve you.
Wishing you a liberating full moon experience,
Blue Karma Wellness and Retreats
Written by Renee Kathryn (Wellness Manager)