This Blue Moon is actually the second full moon of this month, with it comes power and will be the first blue moon visible since 1944. This moon also falls on the very auspicious time of year, on the eve of the 31st October which is known as Halloween.
Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. So in honour of this festive season, it’s time to ward off those ghosts that have been haunting you this year. Time to ward off these old patterns that stop us from moving forward, things that are keeping you in the past and not allowing you to experience change and adventure. This moon is literally sending us information on what needs the change in your life to move to the next stage; The question is are you willing?
Over the course of this moon we are invited to look at your own addictive mental patterns (the ghosts) and for this very special time the cosmic veil is being lifted for you to see clearly what is getting in the way of you moving forward.
We are often not aware of our mental activity; we don’t really stop and take the time to acknowledge or watch our thoughts, this is the purpose of meditation. But when we do finally stop and have the space and the silence to hear them you will find that we actually have the same repetitive patterns of thought that communicate with us on a daily basis. They then become so familiar we start to become addicted to them and it is through these thoughts that our reality is created.
Essentially there are two kinds of addicts in the world, I have seen it many times and experienced being both of them. You are either a person that will numb yourself from feeling anything or you stimulate yourself with activity. The person that chosen to repress will eventually become frozen, feeling lack of energy and will likely suffer from depression. The energy inside them becomes so stuck that they are unable to see their way out.
On the other side we have the reactive nature, the person that makes themselves so busy that they are unable to understand or hear that inner voice. The idea of silence terrifies them, so they constantly keep the mind & body active.
One thing this current experience has taught us is that we all need to slow down, it has really shown us what is important in life and that we need to be present during our process. Taking care of the body has become a non-negotiable. Things like having a clean diet, getting lots of vitamin C, vitamin D, regular exercise and the simple act of breathing correctly through breathwork has made us change the way we operate daily.
But we have also been put in situations when this has been the first time that we have been truly confronted with the mind as we haven’t had the constant interruption of work or outside stimulation. When you first encounter these habitual thoughts, it can be like discovering the worst kind of ghost or monster, hiding in the back cupboard. But once you see it, it simply loses all its power. No longer in the background feeding us fear, we are able to confront it and know what we are dealing with.
From the traditions of Halloween, the Celtics believed that the veils between two worlds were lifted on the eve of 31st October. I like to think that this moon is giving us access to the realms of the subconscious so it can be a liberating time if you choose to sit in silence and listen…..
As Taurus is an earth sign, setting up your meditation space outside surrounded by the trees and nature will really help you with this during this time. Get yourself a journal and as you sit there in moments of silence notice your thoughts and write them down.
Write down the emotions you are feeling as this is the time to be present with your process.
With Uranus traveling with the moon it offers us revolutionary change. If you want to change a habit, this is the time. Uranus is here to liberate us, to support us to break free of these lifelong patterns. The insights you get during this time can be enlightening and inspiring. Trust that you will get the message that you need during these times.
The thing is when you discover a thought that is not pleasant and negative all you do is think of the opposite of that thing and the thought quickly changes. But you must recognise the thought to be able to change it to the positive version.
Think of all the things that you wish that feels good in your life, break free of the habitual patterns of lack that have spread like wildfire around the world.
Start to celebrate all that you can do, will do and the success you can have when you align to what serves you.
With Venus being the ruling planet of Taurus, this is the time to really align to the energy of love. No more giving into fear, so face those ghosts. Love is the new energy that we are all aligning to and it starts with you changing these habitual patterns of thought to ones that support and nurture you.
As we are working with the mind this full moon, take the time to spend as much time in silence without any simulation, this allows the thoughts to come through clear and concise. Either sit in silent meditation or take the time to journal, allowing whatever thoughts to come through as weird and wacky
Here are some journal questions:
Make a list of everything that feels good and working in your life
Wshing you a very silent full Moon experience
Blue Karma Wellness
Written by Renee Kathryn