What are you creating by your thinking?
What thoughts and opinions are you sending out into the world?
This is the theme for this full moon and lunar eclipse that is happening on Monday November 30th, in the sign of Gemini ruler of thoughts and communication.
Welcome to this exciting time, we have now entered into eclipse season. This entire year has been preparing us for this. We have a lunar eclipse on Monday and then on the 14th of December we have another solar eclipse for the new moon. If you remember the last lunar eclipse was in July and it was during that time that we were starting to dismantle structures and beliefs that were not serving us, we were asked surrender by letting go of control.
As we cycle into another lunar eclipse and with the north node also being in Gemini this one brings us a sense of completion.
Looking back over the last year it’s time to question;
What have you learnt?
How have you evolved and changed?
What are you more aware of?
What lessons have you had and are you grateful for them?
Gemini is a lover of questions. The who, what, why, how are questions that need answering now.
Gemini is a thinker, the great communicator so understanding how your thoughts and mind work is not only crucial to your evolution but also the planet. Being a Gemini myself I am very aware of the patterns of the mind that keep us stuck in repetitive cycles. I am also very aware of these twins of consciousness, the way the mind takes an experience of being either good or bad.
I have come to know through personal experience that it is our positive and negative thoughts that either create a positive or negative experience.
“Where attention goes, energy flows”
It was this very awareness that led me down the path to becoming a hypnotherapist and it was here in this modality that I became very aware that we become what we think about.
So with it being a full moon and lunar eclipse it is time to really get clear and bring awareness to our thinking. It is about understanding how our thoughts, words and opinions really do affect each other.
Our thoughts matter and each of us seeds what is possible or not possible in the world.
Are we creating a world of healing and abundance or are we creating one of scarcity and toxicity?
What are you choosing and the choices that you make right now; matter!
The real question to ask is; How can I change? How can I be my best self?
What sort of world do I want create?
Because as we all focus on all the things we don’t like about the world, the law of cause and effect has no choice but to deliver what we are thinking about all the time.
Do your part and think in a different way by focusing on what you want to create, focus on what you have and seed your life with gratitude so that you push this frequency out into the world.
This time is opening up the gateway to ask these deep empowering questions.
So if you feel you are not getting what you need from life ask WHY?
Why is this happening? why am I receiving the lessons I am receiving?
If you are feeling stuck at all and need direction, ask HOW?
How can I serve? and WHAT needs to change so I can?
All these questions are here to be answered. Ask the question and then wait for the answer, the answers to your questions you will see will be delivered in the most miraculous way.
It is time to believe, to believe in what is possible verses what we are seeing.
You matter, your thoughts matter and together we can create positive change, but we must focus on what we want verses what we don’t want. This is what will change this energy dynamic we are seeing all around us, take what you see in our environment and ask the question
What difference can I make right now, that will create change in the world?
Wishing you a transformative full moon journey
Renee Kathryn
Blue Karma Wellness