What do you want to experience in this life?
It’s this New Moon in Gemini that allows us to get up close and personal with this question. With Gemini being an air sign, it asks us to breathe in the air and connect to our hearts deepest desire.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury. With Mercury being all about communication, this new moon invites us to connect to new ideas, people and embrace all opportunities.
We are in a very auspicious time in the world, even with the current times of uncertainty, the planets are helping us. Jupiter is currently trining the sun and its this energy that gives us the ability to see our highest potential. The whole universe is pushing us to get in touch with these deeper questions.
So are you living in alignment with your true self? Only you can answer that from that deepest place within you that holds your dreams, desires and yearnings.
So get yourself a diary and a pen and lets start to answer those deeper questions that will help you connect to your purpose.
Find a quiet space in your house and before you answer the questions, centre yourself and connect to your heart.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, following the breath from the base of the sitting bone, all the way up the spine to the very top of the head. Then exhale following the breath back down the front of the body, until it reaches the base of the spine. Continue to do this for 5 more breaths.
Next focus on the sacral area in the body, this is the area below your belly button. Envision a figure 8, running from this area up to the centre of the heart, continue to breathe following the breath in a figure 8 from the sacral to the heart. Do this for 5 breaths.
Finish by focusing on the heart. Feel into this space, feel its depth. Focus on how this area feels, what does it want you to know? When you feel called to, start to ask the questions below: Listen for the answer and then write it down.
Allow the answers to flow. Write whatever comes to you without judgement as this is the time to get really clear on what you want. We cannot spend time in the past judging ourselves for not having it yet. This time is given to us to connect to where we are NOW and what we want to create NOW. Remembering that there are no mistakes, every choice has lead you to where you are right now in this moment.
If the answers do not come straight away, that is ok, put aside some time over the weekend to come back to these questions and when you are ready to receive the answers they will come.
Remember the biggest thing here is to be honest with yourself. What would you do if you had NO limitation? Reach into the depth and simply answer that question again, what do you want to experience in this life?
Write out an action plan of the things you need to do, put them on your mirror and claim each day that you are going to be the best version of self. This new moon is asking us to see the highest potential of who we can be and is providing us with the energy for new beginnings. So its time NOW to connect and action what we truly truly want in life.
Enjoy your Gemini Full Moon everyone
Your Blue Karma Wellness team
Written by Renee Kathryn
(Coach & Retreat Facilitator)